Running to God for comfort and solutions makes sense. Do you need a counselor? He knows all truth, and His Word is a light unto your path. Do you need a friend? He is the God of all comfort...
The liver is a chemical factory that is capable of turning what you eat into the substances your body needs. If you happen to swallow a trace amount of a chemical that the body does not like, such as a pesticide, then the liver traps it and breaks it down, preventing it from entering your normal bloodstream or damaging your liver...
All foods have varying combinations of these six units: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, vitamins, minerals, and water. Your main need is for energy or fuel to run the body. We have made selecting foods into something complicated, burdensome and worrisome...
We love the master that we obey. And we obey the master we love. We cannot love both God and food. Either we will hate the one and love the other or we will love the one and hate the other. Do not kid yourself—you cannot be in love with God if you are in love with food...
Many wayward hearts live to eat instead of eating to live. Food should be nothing more than fuel—we should drop the passion for food and eat simply just the amount to satisfy the hunger...