peace - Weigh Down Ministries
March 16, 2018

Weigh Down: Your Questions Answered

If you are new to Weigh Down, please know that EVERY question that you might have is a question that countless others have had over the years. There is HOPE for your situation, no matter how bad you might think that it is. You can overcome ANYTHING.
March 16, 2018

How to Stop Binge Eating

See men and women who have quickly lost weight and have been set free from many other addictive and destructive habits as well.
February 1, 2024

For Those Who Have Struggled

For those who have struggled, have you excused yourself because you have changed in so many other areas? Perhaps there is still one thing you have not given up, and it is usually the first thing God asked you to give up? There are no excuses. God can see straight thru your faulty negotiations with Him. You may overly deny yourself in an area you do not care about (money, for example) so that you can hang onto your idol (food). This “work” is invalid and will not save you on that Great Day, for your idol will be beside you. An idol must be eradicated—as no greedy man, for such a man is an idolater, will enter the Kingdom of God. Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect...
February 2, 2024

The Healing Power of Love

Our worries should be centered around what affects the heart of ourselves, our families, our children—for what comes out of the heart says exactly who you are. From the abundance of the heart so the mouth speaks, and that is what condemns you—a lack of respect for parents, anti-authority, a lack of love. Never forget… love is the condensation of all Heavenly laws. It is the Kingdom of Love…