true religion - Weigh Down Ministries
February 1, 2024

For Those Who Have Struggled

For those who have struggled, have you excused yourself because you have changed in so many other areas? Perhaps there is still one thing you have not given up, and it is usually the first thing God asked you to give up? There are no excuses. God can see straight thru your faulty negotiations with Him. You may overly deny yourself in an area you do not care about (money, for example) so that you can hang onto your idol (food). This “work” is invalid and will not save you on that Great Day, for your idol will be beside you. An idol must be eradicated—as no greedy man, for such a man is an idolater, will enter the Kingdom of God. Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect...
February 2, 2024

The Healing Power of Love

Our worries should be centered around what affects the heart of ourselves, our families, our children—for what comes out of the heart says exactly who you are. From the abundance of the heart so the mouth speaks, and that is what condemns you—a lack of respect for parents, anti-authority, a lack of love. Never forget… love is the condensation of all Heavenly laws. It is the Kingdom of Love…
February 11, 2024

Love for God’s Word

We read yesterday how King David immersed himself in the Word of God. When I was a child, I remember reading my Bible, and all I had when I was very young was just the New Testament. We were told a few of the stories from the Old Testament, but no one actually read the whole book. Obviously, all that King David had was the Old Testament—the Law and the Prophets and some of the writings of the Prophets who came before him. He did not have the Proverbs, but he taught them to his son Solomon, who later wrote them down. So David did not have as much as you and I have...
February 12, 2024

Apple of God’s Eye

To study more about Christ and follow in his steps, we should all look for people who are genuinely Christlike, then emulate their examples. When I was young and read about King David, I was envious when I saw that God said David was the apple of His eye. I prayed, “O God, would You please make me the apple of Your eye? Teach me what to do so that I can be the apple of Your eye.”...
February 15, 2024

Absorbing God’s Word

Notice that as you get older, various recreational activities are not as thrilling as they once were. While being outside in the water is great, the Water of Life and the Streams of Living Water are better. In John 4, Jesus said to a Samaritan woman, “Come to me, and I will give you living water, and you will never be thirsty again.” “Give me that drink,” the woman cried. He said, “I am that drink.” When you look for Christlike people, know that they have access to that Living Water...