As a rule, Americans are not missing vitamins. So many foods are fortified or enriched with extra vitamins and minerals, and your body can cue you to a variety so that you need not worry about what you eat...
One exercise I always suggest when someone starts in a Weigh Down seminar class is the chocolate (or your favorite binge food) test. This exercise will […]
Apart of living a righteous life is to have respect for how God made the body. Listen to the internal cues as all animals do. If you are thirsty, drink. If you are hungry, eat. If you are sleepy, sleep...
All foods are composed of just water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and trace (tiny) amounts of vitamins and minerals. Proteins, carbohydrates [CHO], and fats are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Proteins add nitrogen to their chemical structures...
Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” That had meaning in Jesus’ day and has meaning to most of the world today. Breads were and still should be the staple...