Christian Devotional - Weigh Down Ministries
August 28, 2023

A New Perspective on Hardships…

A caterpillar essentially “dies” in its cocoon so that a butterfly can emerge. Consider the spring that follows a harsh, deadly winter. Every year we watch trees lose their leaves, appearing to die; yet they come back to life bigger and stronger than the year before. Another symbol of life from death around us is the daily example of the long, cold night and the warmth of the morning sun rising again. We have to believe that the sun will rise again. Jesus drew a great word picture for us..
August 29, 2023

Beautiful, Loving Conviction from the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a free gift given to those who obey, [Acts 5:32] but it is worth billions—it spares us from many shameful, destructive behaviors. In a word, the convicting feeling of the Holy Spirit has been our only salvation. I crave it and cannot imagine life without it...
December 20, 2023

The Compassion of Christ

Jesus was popular and surrounded by crowds of people everywhere, and instead of recoiling or distancing himself, he behaved quite the opposite. If Jesus lived today, you would not see him traveling in protective vehicles with a security squad. Knowing that he was led by God and represented the will and behavior of The Father…note that Jesus embraced the crowd and its needs...
December 21, 2023

The Greatest Pursuit

There is faith in God and there is hope for God, but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the greatest pursuit of all things, the superior way, the most excellent way—not for praise of man, not heart-less, philanthropic deeds done nor “deeds” inspired by satan—but the most excellent way is True Love with good words and deeds inspired by God with the right motives, which is love for God and His Kingdom of Love. True Love will never fail. Why...