relationship with God - Weigh Down Ministries
February 14, 2019

Come and Experience It for Yourself!

Hunger and fullness. Two common words that from the outset seem too simple and superficial to have any long-lasting effects with weight loss, correct?
February 26, 2019

How to Kickstart Your Weight Loss

These stories will spark renewed hope that a whole new life awaits you when you turn to God and put His method of eating into practice. There is hope!
March 15, 2019

How to Have Healthy Babies

Meet three women who through finding a purely devoted relationship with God are experiencing the power of God in every part of their lives, most recently in the area of having and raising children.
February 25, 2022

Never Quit

What is the secret to permanent weight loss? What if the secret to permanent weight loss is as ironic as not focusing on food, but on your relationship with God?
August 10, 2023

A Heart for God

I have not set an alarm clock in many years. God wakes me up every day just at the right time. With gentle creativity, He chooses a variety of waking methods, so my first thought is God and thanking Him for waking me—and the earlier the better for me. I love getting up in the night and working for Him or having Him teach me something new...