How to Handle Waiting for a Meal Time
February 21, 2022
Why Does God Want Us to Follow Him?
March 12, 2022Never Quit
Weigh Down Presents – Never Quit
What is the secret to permanent weight loss? Is it dieting? Is it being more mindful of what types of food you’re eating? Is it exercise? What if the secret to permanent weight loss is as ironic as not focusing on food, but on your relationship with God?
In this edition of the “You Can Overcome” show, host Gwen Shamblin Lara, M.S., R.D. and co-host Tedd Anger, along with special guests Cindy Barker, Jennifer Quinn, Tom Quinn, Aaron Wheeler, Jean Kurtz, Rebecca Nesler, Nichol Shelhamer and Michelle Wright, discuss the many fallacies and untruths that have trapped so many people into thinking they can lose their unwanted weight by focusing on dietary strategies. This is why virtually 100% of New Year’s resolutions are defeated within a few short weeks!
The solution isn’t dieting. The solution isn’t man-made food rules. As a matter of fact, according to Gwen Shamblin Lara, the founder of Weigh Down and best selling author of Weigh Down Works!, dieting and man-made food rules only exacerbate the overweight condition. The solution to permanent weight loss is found in returning to the body’s God-given cues of hunger and fullness and going to God for the emotional needs of the heart. Through the Biblical principles applied through the teachings of Weigh Down, permanent weight loss is obtainable for everyone!
Special Guests: Cindy Barker, Jennifer Quinn, Tom Quinn, Aaron Wheeler, Jean Kurtz, Rebecca Nesler, Nichol Shelhamer and Michelle Wright
Copyright 2019 Weigh Down Ministries, Remnant Fellowship and Gwen Shamblin Lara