In this episode of "The You Can Overcome" show, Founder Gwen Shamblin interviews past seminar participants and how they have kept their extra weight off for years.
In this episode of "The You Can Overcome" show, Founder Gwen Shamblin interviews a couple who, through Weigh Down and the teachings of Remnant Fellowship Church, restored their marriage and ultimately changed the course of their entire lives.
In this episode of the "You Can Overcome" show, Gwen Shamblin interviews Clint and Carmen Snider, parents of 5 children, who by applying the principles they learned in Weigh Down’s "Greed Exposure" class, are debt free, have peace in their marriage and a whole new approach to finances.
Imagine being free of worrying about lusts, wealth, pride, praise of man—free of tobacco, alcohol, food, man-made food rules, and their impossible procedures. You are free to be devoted to Him, while enjoying His wonderful foods when your body is hungry - to eat like you did when you were a child...
The transfer is everything. This old relationship with food or idols is over, and a new relationship with God will take its place. Food was the impetus to get out of bed in the past, and then it was your morning, noon, and night. Yet, it is a false god...
There is a truth that is profound that God gave me early in this ministry, over 30 years ago. This one truth can set you free from all vices… You fall in love with what you focus on..