Food is not a good source of entertainment or a good escape from your problems or a good thing to fill up time—it is not a good thing to use to escape the fear of being bored, nor a good friend to take the place of relationships...
You are never going to lose ALL the weight until you finally say, “I am not having a relationship with that food anymore!” Flee it! Turn around and say “NO!” and make a decision to have a relationship with God instead. God is begging you for a relationship. Do not run back to the relationship with food...
Why is it hard to stop eating? It is because without the truth that God adores you and wants a relationship with you and is generous…you become a god—and we are bad gods. We just do not know when to stop...
Let me talk you into wanting God over food or other idols. I have spent most of my life reasoning with people who think they are going to miss the food, and scared that they will be bored or have the emptiest days ever. Turning to God from idols should not even be a competition, and it is not a contest...
If you are tempted to go back to food, ask Him, “O God, can You do better than a food binge, an alcohol binge, a shopping spree, a gambling spree, etc.? Can You do better than these relationships I have had?” Within minutes, watch Him answer that prayer!...