To make the final breakthrough, we are going to return to the basics: eating when we are hungry and stopping when we are full. It is back to the very first lessons of WeighDown: hunger and fullness...
I have noticed that there is a common thread among people who do not easily lose their weight. They put their hope in dieting. Don’t be afraid to let go. Let go of control and have some faith. Why have faith in diets? What has been the result? You have more love for the food than ever...
The war is powerful, and there are so many spirits out there, and they talk thru people or whisper in your ear. Truth is the weapon that breaks through the lies...
We are warned many times to be alert. I am convinced that every one of us is supposed to have a raised consciousness. That is why our battles will be something different every day at different hours. We are not going to have the same exams...
If you leave a root of love of self over love of God or love of food over the love of God, it will come back, and it will take over. If you leave a root of indulgence in the heart, even if you have laid 90 percent of it down, it will come back to take over. Why? Because you have not made the choice. You are just “playing religion.” You are half-hearted...
If you have a “root,” it just means you never gave yourself fully over to God. “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Hebrews 12:16 You left a part of your heart, mind, and soul back to rule over it all. You have held back a part of the day that is “yours” ...