How to lose weight - Page 9 of 23 - Weigh Down Ministries
September 24, 2023

The Time is Now

You did it before, you can do it again…and you did it by focusing only on God’s hunger and fullness—no distractions. It is time for self-denial. Finally, you have come to the right place because you cannot do this just for your own health and high energy—that is selfish—it must be done for the glory of the Lord...
October 14, 2023

A Whole New Life!

This is about getting a whole new life—replacing your old spirit (bad attitudes) with God’s wonderful Spirit (beautiful, loving personality). Those who find this transformation experience a restored marriage, re-established relationships, a whole new positive attitude, and diminished criticism and projection...
November 9, 2023

You CAN Do It!

Why is this time going to be different? Because God has prepared your heart. These last attempts are not for naught. God has used the successes and failures to program much information into your mind and soul that will give you victory this time. Thru repetition of God’s WeighDown, you will finally win with Christ...