How to lose weight - Page 7 of 23 - Weigh Down Ministries
August 27, 2023

Telling Yourself the Truth

We must tell ourselves the truth. The world will tell you that you are overweight from eating the wrong foods, that it is genetic, that it is your hormones or a metabolism problem. This is not true. Notice the pattern. All of these lies have one thing in common… they take the responsibility out of your hands and put the blame on the food, your mother, your genes, or anything but yourself..
September 1, 2023

It is Time to Break Through the Chains!

God has sent His Words from the Heavens to help you to break thru the chains that have held you back. Breaking thru strongholds in the world is going to take your full or complete concentration. You will need to surrender your full heart and entire soul; it will take all of your entire mind and thought process and all of your energy and strength..
September 12, 2023

No Hidden Root…

If you leave a root of love of self over love of God or love of food over the love of God, it will come back, and it will take over. If you leave a root of indulgence in the heart, even if you have laid 90 percent of it down, it will come back to take over. Why? Because you have not made the choice. You are just “playing religion.” You are half-hearted...