Gwen Lara - Page 24 of 41 - Weigh Down Ministries
December 8, 2023

Our Most Important Pursuit

Can you tell me what else matters than pursuing this relationship with God, because the world is all fading. It is all passing away.  When it is gone—and it will be destroyed —what will you have left? There is faith and there is hope, but the greatest of these is this investment into a love relationship...
December 10, 2023

An Epic Spiritual Journey

Now…if you have tried WeighDown in the past, take a moment to walk down memory lane. Do you remember the years of overweight and dieting? Do you remember when you first found WeighDown? You had been thru so much pain, dieted for years and years and had struggled for so long, and once you cried out to God, He sent WeighDown, a revolutionary approach to losing weight. Freedom at last! You felt so loved by God...
December 11, 2023

How to Start Losing Weight Again

If you are wanting to get back on track, start off by  reviewing the basics of Weigh Down at and in your materials. But know that you can get started right now. An important part of the process of repentance includes the recognition that our relationship with God is wounded if our hearts are unclean—in other words, if our hearts secretly long for or lust for something else on this Earth—for more, that is, than what the Father has allotted...