Daily Devotional - Page 12 of 16 - Weigh Down Ministries
September 9, 2023

An Unbelievable Love Story

God’s will is protecting and ensuring the eternal existence of love, and that will never end—as long as the stars twinkle and the sun rises in the east and the moon reflects light! Stop and imagine an enormous separate planet far away, populated with love-filled Saints from thousands of centuries...
September 12, 2023

No Hidden Root…

If you leave a root of love of self over love of God or love of food over the love of God, it will come back, and it will take over. If you leave a root of indulgence in the heart, even if you have laid 90 percent of it down, it will come back to take over. Why? Because you have not made the choice. You are just “playing religion.” You are half-hearted...