A New Beginning - Weigh Down Ministries
God Fearing Families Book
The Body of Christ
May 26, 2024
Examining Our Hearts
May 28, 2024
God Fearing Families Book
The Body of Christ
May 26, 2024
Examining Our Hearts
May 28, 2024

A New Beginning

It does not matter what it is that brought you to Weigh Down. God does not look at the outside. God looks at the heart. We know that your heart is searching to please the Lord God Almighty, the Ruler of the Heavens and the Earth, and that is all that matters! You need to understand that you CAN do this, and the reason that the lies that discourage you by saying things like “you are not going to make it” or “you are no good” are so loud and the war is so intense is because you are so incredibly valuable. You do not even realize the value of the price tag on your head. God has brought you to this program today for a reason. The Spirit of God will be over you and in you, and I pray it is so impactful that you will never be the same after you apply these principles.

You are about to join a mighty exodus of people who are choosing to walk away from slavery to their old habits. This miserable state of slavery is not unlike the bondage the children of God felt when they were enslaved centuries ago to the Egyptian pharaohs. The Old Testament story of the Exodus tells how God’s children, once subjugated to Pharaoh, were forced into slave labor to build Egyptian structures. Those towering icons are representations of the strength and the soul that they invested in Egypt. At one time, His children were free men in a foreign land. When God saw that they had become slaves to making bricks for Egypt and heard their cries, He fought a mighty battle for the deliverance of the Israelites. He is fighting now for the deliverance of your heart so that you will no longer be overpowered by those things that seem to control you and drain you of your health, your energy, your time, your relationships, your joy—even your very life. The Lord our God can deliver you from any addiction that has a hold on you. You are not undisciplined—you have just not tried this approach to breaking free.


For more on this topic, watch Freedom from Strongholds.