Jill Snapp – Weight Loss of 180 Pounds
November 21, 2016
Teresa Reyes – Weight Loss of 40 Pounds
November 21, 2016Marc Dunn – Weight Loss of 70 Pounds
In 1996 my wife, Tish, was introduced to Gwen Shamblin and WeighDown by way of a WeighDown class in Germany while we were visiting family overseas. Shortly thereafter, she joined an Exodus Out of Egypt class, bought The Weigh Down Diet book, lost 35 pounds, overcame a number of other strongholds, and began living a life wholeheartedly devoted to God. I became convicted by both her words and actions and began to listen to what she was learning (this, sadly, was not an immediate thing for me as I was hard-headed and prideful). In 2000, Tish and I were blessed to attend Desert Oasis 2000 (WeighDown’s Summer Convention at that time), listen to Gwen speak live, and meet a number of new people who wanted nothing more than to humbly honor God with every breath and heartbeat.
During that initial year, I was blessed to participate in a seminar called Weigh Down Advanced. It’s one of a number of seminars developed by Gwen Shamblin and WeighDown that strives to point us toward a wholehearted relationship with God and away from the strongholds, addictions, and temptations of this world. Over the course of that seminar and the next few months, I lost 70 pounds off of my 5’11” frame.
Not too long after participating in this seminar, I was blessed to be offered an opportunity to work for WeighDown. I now get to wake up every day and work with the most incredible people who love God with all of their hearts.
Since that day in Germany, I have lost 70 pounds, lost a thousand pounds of sin and idolatry, watched my marriage and family grow more beautiful every day, and found an inexpressible joy for every moment God provides in which we can glorify Him.
Marc Dunn