Teresa Reyes - Weight Loss of 40 Pounds - Weigh Down Ministries
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Teresa Reyes – Weight Loss of 40 Pounds

(El video de arriba está en inglés primero y luego en español)

My name is Teresa Reyes. I was always thin growing up. When I started high school, I made it into two track teams. I ran a lot, and I ate a lot, but was able to maintain the weight of 110 pounds. When I graduated, I stopped running but continued to eat the same amount of food, and when I found out I was pregnant, I believed I had to double my portions so my baby would be healthy. My eating habits didn’t change, and after the second baby, I realized I weighed almost 145 pounds. I returned to exercising – 3 miles and 8 – 10 glasses of water a day. But all of that did not change my desire for food. When I came to learn the message in WeighDown, I realized I could continue to eat all the foods I liked as long as I stayed within the boundaries God had established for me. I began applying these principles and started to see I had been greedy and full of pride, and I had always wanted to please others more than God. As I lost weight, my life continued to change. I remember thinking I would be so happy if I could at least get down to 120 pounds. In 3 months I lost 40 pounds. Now I’m steady at 100 pounds, I’m healthy and so thankful for the opportunity God has given me to live to please Him.

En Español…

“Dios no puso en la tierra el chocolate o la lasaña para torturarnos, sino para que los disfrutemos. Sin embargo, Él quiere que aprendamos a superar el lla- mado magnético de la comida para que ésta no con- suma nuestras vidas! Con la ayuda de Dios, podrás aprender a parar en la mitad de una comida sin tener deseo de comer la otra mitad, si tu estómago está satisfecho!

Hemos sido creados con dos espacios vacíos en nuestro cuerpo, que necesitan ser llenados. Uno es el estómago, y el otro, el corazón. El estómago es un órgano en nuestro cuerpo que debe ser alimentado con las cantidades adecuadas de comida. En cuanto al corazón, es posible que hayamos acudido a la comida para satisfacer nuestros sentimientos más profundos, las necesidades o los deseos, lo que ha resultado en llenarlos con mucho más de lo que necesita.”

Teresa Reyes


Get Started Losing Weight Now!

Teresa Reyes – Weight Loss of 40 Pounds

Hear more from Teresa on Remnant Fellowship TV

How to Reach out to the Hispanic Population - You Can Overcome - Season 7, Episode 4