Having a Loving Focus on the Lord Almighty - Weigh Down Ministries
Weigh Down Works
Which Comes First – Love or Obedience?
May 24, 2024
God Fearing Families Book
The Body of Christ
May 26, 2024
Weigh Down Works
Which Comes First – Love or Obedience?
May 24, 2024
God Fearing Families Book
The Body of Christ
May 26, 2024

Having a Loving Focus on the Lord Almighty

God Fearing Families Book

The foundation of all revivals for the Church and the family is based on a loving fear of God. It is based on the Will of the Heavenly Father. Deuteronomy 10:12 says to fear the Lord: And now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul…

The foundation of a Godly family is having this loving fear of the Precious Creator and Heavenly Father above all. Saints—men and women and children—must adoringly fear the Lord to have this wonderful, peaceful, fun and blessed family life that you are longing for. This fear is not about terror, but rather an adoring respect—to honor and uphold God, His genius, His decisions, His concepts of a glorious New Jerusalem, a City of Peace, which is the Kingdom of God. This God is to be praised for His flawless ideas of what should be in Heaven and what should be separated out from the infinite heavenly existence that is beyond this life. God knows exactly what evil is composed of and how this dark substance should be removed. With this loving fear comes a desire to do things the way that God would want things done. That is the basis of removing evil or separating good from evil. 


For more, read the History of the One True God, Volume III – God-Fearing Families