Josh Zinzilieta – Weight Loss of 65 Pounds
May 25, 2017
Laura MacLean – Weight Loss of 30 Pounds
June 13, 2017Jason Hamilton – Weight Loss of 30 Pounds

In late December 2001, after seeing his wife change by applying the teachings of Weigh Down Ministries, Jason agreed to watch a few of the Weigh Down Exodus Out of Egypt videos with her.
The Jewels for Obedience
After just the first two videos, Jason felt immediately convicted to put into practice what Gwen Shamblin was teaching – wait for real hunger, stop when full, and pray when tempted to eat but not truly hungry. Jason explains, “That night when I went to bed, I vividly remember praying to God and committing to give this a try, asking for the strength and perseverance to do this. What Weigh Down was teaching was different then anything that I had been taught before.”
Jason committed to putting the Weigh Down teachings into practice that night. He says, “The next day, I fought hard to keep my commitment and prayed when I was tempted instead of running to the food. After battling through those first few difficult hours, God supplied me with an incredible amount of energy and joy that I had never experienced before.”
Jason says, “I now understand that this was what Gwen calls a “jewel” – a blessing from God for giving up my greed for food in addition to the physical benefit of not having the extra weight and feeling sluggish all the time from overeating. I lost 30 pounds over the next 4 weeks, but more than the weight, my heart was changing on a daily basis and life was no longer about me, it was about finding the Spirit of God in everything.”
Along with losing the weight, Jason laid down other strongholds, including pride, lust, anger/control and being overly consumed with sports. “Prior to Weigh Down, I had gotten to the point where I thought that ‘I am who I am, and there’s really no changing that.’ After seeing the power of God through Weigh Down, I had hope for the first time!”
Weigh Down Ministries has provided so many resources for staying on track and focused on God! Jason says, “My favorite resources include Weigh Down All Access and staying in a class – some favorites include Weigh Down Advanced, the Last Exodus, The Change Series and the Treasure Series.”
“Weigh Down Ministries has forever changed my families’ lives! I was heading down a path of selfishness and a constant wanting for more. I have now learned that “less is more” and that a Love for God is the only thing that will truly fill me up. Our family is forever grateful! Our hearts and lives are filled with joy!”