The Loving, Merciful, Wonderful, True Master! - Weigh Down Ministries
Gwen Shamblin Lara - History of the Love of God Book
True Love is No Little Gift
June 8, 2024
Gwen Shamblin Lara - History of the Love of God Book
Unfathomable Altruistic Love
June 10, 2024
Gwen Shamblin Lara - History of the Love of God Book
True Love is No Little Gift
June 8, 2024
Gwen Shamblin Lara - History of the Love of God Book
Unfathomable Altruistic Love
June 10, 2024

The Loving, Merciful, Wonderful, True Master!

Weigh Down Works

What a joy to know that you are showing the whole Universe that you love God more than anything, and it points to Who the authority is in this Universe. This is essential and fundamental, and it is a guilt-free life. It is a choice that costs you nothing, a free choice that saves you money. You actually put currency in your pocket from these life choices—fewer doctor bills, pharmaceutical bills, every-size wardrobe bills, diet program bills, lower food and alcohol bills, and fewer counseling bills. This is the grace of God: to be able to choose Him to love so that you do not overdo it on anything in the world.

Why is this grace? It is grace because our nature is to be a slave to something, and the Lord God Almighty is the only loving, merciful, and wonderful Master in the Universe. All other masters are tyrants, dictators, oppressors, persecutors, authoritarians, totalitarians. By grace we have been saved to give our allegiance to the only one Good God in existence. By grace, if we work for the right boss, we will be hired by the right boss. To be born again—to have a whole new life—you have to stop working for yourself, stop working for evil and evil desires, and work for the One Good Boss, God Almighty. Loving the world is painful—it hurts, and it will never love you back. It is the ultimate unrequited love. It is grace because without Christ’s sacrifice, the Holy Spirit and personality of God would not have been sent to us to dwell in our hearts; we could never have been born again, we would be heavier than ever, angrier, more depressed, having every bad spirit and none of God’s wonderful Spirit in our lives.

Read more in Weigh Down Works!