You are so Loved! - Weigh Down Ministries
Weigh Down Works
Change Your Heart, Not the Food
June 23, 2024
Weigh Down Revolution
The Scales are Just a Tool
June 25, 2024
Weigh Down Works
Change Your Heart, Not the Food
June 23, 2024
Weigh Down Revolution
The Scales are Just a Tool
June 25, 2024

You are so Loved!

Change is so exciting! God is doing something amazing! It is so important to remember that YOU are loved so much, and love is going to be the key that unlocks the door to permanent weight loss and permanent freedom from anything in the world that has called your name! Also, You are not at this weight or struggling with any stronghold because you are purposely, deliberately defying God. You would not be tak­ing this class if you did not want to find this relationship with God and get under His authority. Now, This last point is key because the satanic warfare around you is amaz­ing. The enemy does not want you to be successful, so it is clear that you are very valuable. You could be a link to bringing many hurting souls to God! You must be a very likable person, a rare quality. These points will be critical to keep close to your heart as you walk out this journey!


For more information, sign up for the Revolution Series available on Weigh Down TV.