Why is it Hard to Stop Eating?
April 12, 2024There is Hope!
April 15, 2024How to Stay Motivated for Lasting Weight Loss
Let me talk you into wanting God over food or other idols. I have spent most of my life reasoning with people who think they are going to miss the food, and scared that they will be bored or have the emptiest days ever. Turning to God from idols should not even be a competition, and it is not a contest. Do you not WANT to desire less food? Do you not want to be someone who has self-control with the food? So then, stop thinking about the food. Get your mind onto anything but food, and especially think about the commands of God. If your heart only knew that God was going to let you get hungry again and that He was going to feed you again! He is a Great Shepherd who loves to feed His sheep physically and spiritually. In fact, the picture of a shepherd is of one who spends all day looking for a great place for the sheep to feed. Look to Him for guidance on when to start eating and when to stop. You have got to come to know how good He will be to you if you seek Him.