The Path to Success
September 21, 2024
Direction from Within
September 23, 2024The Pain of the Past

Now that we have started on the path of remembering our journey, recall how exhausting being out of the Zone of hunger and fullness is. Are you sick of being tired after lunch or after dinner? I am sure you do not want to be tired anymore; you do not want pain anymore…the backache, the joint aches, headaches, heartburn, your feet hurt, knees, hips, heart fluttering, indigestion problems, loss of sleep… just overall exhaustion. On the other hand, remember back when you were in the Zone, remember the energy you had for things beyond eating and bingeing…you had hobbies, sewing, cleaning, friends, calling or helping the hurting, spending time with kids and spouse… Whatever it may be, energy is better than sleeping your life away or being nauseated for hours from a binge, overdrinking, smoking or drugs. You are very tired of being drained, sick to death of feeling guilt and then feeling achy and sick—it is an emotional, spiritual, physical, painful nightmare.v
There is no worse feeling than life passing you by. Remembering these positives and negatives help to transform your mind and fix your focus on God, and that is what has brought you back to WeighDown. I know that God has used the pain to guide you, train you and prepare you. Now you are ready—whether you know it or not, you are very different than you were years ago when you first started WeighDown because the pride has been chipped away and perhaps it is gone…for it is the biggest enemy. What has God been doing with all these failures and all this pain? He has been building internal motivation. Until all motivation comes from wisdom that is within you, you will not be successful.
For more on this, see the Revolution Class.