Ending the Cycle by Stopping the Gimmicks
December 1, 2024
The Super Community of Love
December 3, 2024There is a New Life Waiting for You!

This world is not special, for it will pass away—however, the man who does the will of the Father will live forever.(I John 2:17) That is special! You think food or alcohol or lust or fortune are special? Is it special to go eat? No, it is not special. Food is not special. God and His Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control is special! That should make your heart rate go up! That should make you excited—a chance to get close to God, a chance to commune with God through Jesus Christ. King David considered this relationship with God better than gold and sweeter than honey. That is exceptional, that is superior! Food, alcohol, or TV is not the reward you give yourself at the end of the hard day anymore. It is God and a relationship with Him, a chance to get alone with Him. That is what you reward yourself with. Yes, you have to eat food, but look at little children. They are not excited about the food. They are excited about life, about fellowship with their parents and other children, and they love God with a simple, childlike heart. Unless we become like little children in heart and love for God we will not enter the Kingdom of God. There is a whole new life out there waiting for you beyond the food.