How to Get Thru Your Lunch Hour if You are Not Hungry - Weigh Down Ministries
The Key to Good Health and Nutrition
February 20, 2024
Weigh Down Works
How to Handle Eating Late
February 22, 2024
The Key to Good Health and Nutrition
February 20, 2024
Weigh Down Works
How to Handle Eating Late
February 22, 2024

How to Get Thru Your Lunch Hour if You are Not Hungry

Weigh Down Works

Many times, questions arise concerning the way to handle specific eating situations when you are trying to lose weight. The wonderful truth about losing weight the WeighDown way is that there are no special food rules to follow that include weighing, measuring, counting, or restricting food selections. All foods are to be enjoyed with thanksgiving between the boundaries of hunger and fullness. The only rule is no more cravings, so get your HEART right with God—the BODY will follow. Over the next few days, we will consider some of the common questions.

What should you do if it is your lunch hour and you are not hungry?

You do not have to worry about eating. Your body is not calling for food, and if you do eat, it will only be added to what needs to be burned (your stored excess). If you get hungry before the next meal, you can eat a small snack of some kind to satisfy your hunger until mealtime—or you can choose to make that your mealtime. The number of meals you eat in one day might decrease as you are losing. Just listen to the body!


To read more on this topic, get your copy of Weigh Down Works!