You are Special to the Heavens - Weigh Down Ministries
Weigh Down Works
God Wants Your Devotion
April 1, 2024
Weigh Down Works
How to Transfer Your Focus
April 3, 2024
Weigh Down Works
God Wants Your Devotion
April 1, 2024
Weigh Down Works
How to Transfer Your Focus
April 3, 2024

You are Special to the Heavens

Weigh Down Works

Remember, everyone has tough days, but food can no longer be your comfort or reward during these hard days. Here is the way to reason with yourself during a “testing time” when your mind wants to go and eat food but your stomach is NOT calling for food yet: Remind yourself that you will either suffer for 1 hour to pass the test and not eat, or suffer misery for 24-72 hours if you fail and binge out. Remember: You are exchanging 1 hour of indulgence for a 24-hour day of fun! How fun to be thin! This far outweighs the indulgence with food.

There is nothing more fulfilling in life than searching for and discovering the personal love and attention of the Father. He is waiting to show off His love and His character to us in totally fresh and unique ways. He is such a genius. It would bore Him to be anything but incredible and mysterious in all of His ways. In The Tablet and in WeighDown, the rewards, the ways of escape, and the signs of His love are daily and as numerous as the sands on the seashore. Please take the time to write down the ways of escape that God personalized just for you, and read and reread it often, for it will help you to see how loved you really are. God is not too important and busy for the details of your life. I pray about everything and continue to experiment with prayer, as Christ said we would be able to move mountains. You are more special to the Heavens than you know.

Read more in Weigh Down Works!